Demo of quantization levels

CS 248 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
Autumn Quarter, 2001
Marc Levoy

Note: This demo must be viewed on a gamma-corrected display. On the Sweet hall graphics lab PCs, you can enable gamma correction by typing "xgamma 1.7". If you don't do this, the quantization effects will be hard to compare, and the subtle differences between applying quantization in different spaces will be almost invisible. For more information about gamma correction and viewing web pages, look at our research lab's tutorial about gamma correction.

original quantization space quantized versions
(converted back to linear luminance after quantization if necessary)

perceived brightness (original1/2)

6 bits

5 bits

4 bits

linear luminance
(original image)

6 bits

5 bits

4 bits

6 bits

5 bits

4 bits

linear luminance
6 bits

5 bits

4 bits

linear luminance
4 bits

3 bits

2 bits

[email protected]
Copyright © 2001 Marc Levoy
Last update: October 9, 2001 12:29:00 AM