Raster displays

CS 248 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
Autumn Quarter, 2003
Marc Levoy
Lecture notes for Tuesday September 30

Table of contents:

Press here for the Powerpoint slides I showed in class about triads and pixels (HTML or PPT or PDF). For now, ignore the rightmost two columns on the second slide. We'll talk about subpixel font rendering technology after we've covered rasterization and antialiasing; it will make more sense to you in a few weeks than it would now.

Section D requires an understanding of Fourier analysis, which we won't cover until Oct. 9, but in case you're interested...

I didn't have time to cover the remaining sections in class. I'll cover them next Tuesday, after our discussions of color (which you'll need for your first assignment).

[email protected]
Copyright © 2003 Marc Levoy
Last update: September 30, 2003 11:09:17 PM