CS 248: Introduction to Computer Graphics

Pat Hanrahan

Assignment 2 Help Session Online

1. How do I set a pixel using OpenGL?
2. Setting a pixel using the image buffer.
3. Getting a texel from the texture map.
4. Bitwise xor'ing.
5. Mapping to screen coordinates.
6. Mapping to texture coordinates.
7. Clipping and scissoring.
8. Inside Testing Algorithm (tile3()).
9. Scanline Algorithm (Crow's Algorithm / tile()).
10. Texture coordinate interpolation.

1. How do I set a pixel using OpenGL?

2. Setting pixels using the image buffer.

3. Getting a texel from the texture map.

4. Bitwise xor'ing.

5. Mapping to screen coordinates.

6. Mapping to texture coordinates.

7. Clipping and scissoring.

8. Inside Testing Algorithm (tile3()).

9. Scanline Algorithm (Crow's Algorithm / tile()).

10. Texture coordinate interpolation.

[email protected]

Copyright © 1996 Pat Hanrahan