Configuration files

Every line in the configuration file either is a comment (a line the begins with a #), or a parameter declaration. Parameter declarations look like:
type name = value
The following table lists all of the defined types:

Type Description
color An array of 3 real numbers
float A real number
int An integer
string A string of characters (no quotes required)
vec An array of 3 real numbers

Predefined names

While you can declare any parameter that you want, we have pre-defined a few names that affect various aspects of the viewing of the object. Most of these parameters are automatically read into variables defined in info.h.
string hiObject
The name of the high resolution version of the object you want to view. This object is displayed when the mouse buttons are not pressed. Must be the name of a Wavefront object file, or a gzip'ed Wavefront file.
string loObject
The name of the low resolution version of the object you want to view. This object is displayed when the mouse buttons are pressed. Must be the name of a Wavefront object file, or a gzip'ed Wavefront file.
string patchObject
The name of a Wavefront file containing an object in a patch representation.
int loDice
When displaying a patched objected (see patchObject), how finely to dice the object when the mouse buttons are pressed (ie. when you are interactively manipulating the object)
int hiDice
When displaying a patched objected (see patchObject), how finely to dice the object when the mouse buttons are not pressed.
vec eyePosition
The eye position, given in world coordinates. Placed into the variable eyePosition.
float fieldOfView
The field of view of the projection transform.
float zNear
The distance to the near clipping plane.
float zFar
The distance to the far clipping plane.
int numLights
The number of lights in the environment. Placed into the variable numLights.
vec lightNPos
Sets the position of light number N. Placed into the position field of the LightInfo structure (defined in info.h).
vec lightNDir
Sets the direction of light N.
vec lightNRight
Sets the "right" direction of light N. This can be useful in parameterizing a light source when placing a texture in front of the light source.
vec lightNUp
Sets the "up" direction of light N. This can be useful in parameterizing a light source when placing a texture in front of the light source.
color lightNColor
Sets the "color" of light N.
float lightNSpotAngle
Sets the "spot angle" of light N. This, along with the direction of the light, is useful in implementing spot lights.
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Copyright © 1997 Pat Hanrahan and Andrew C. Beers