shader() example

This shader will illuminate a surface with a directional light. It assumes that the lightNDir parameters have been set for each light.

shader(float *color)
  int i;
  for(i=0 ; i<numLights ; i++)
    float tmp[3];
    float dot = -vec_dot(lights[i].direction,surfaceNormal);

The following configuration file could be used with this shader:
# This stuff has nothing to do with the shader, only scene layout
string patchObject = models/patches/teapot.obj
int   loDice = 10
int   hiDice = 20
int   zNear = 10
float fieldOfView = 90
vec   eyePosition = 0 0 20
int   numLights = 2
vec   light0Pos = 0 20 40
color light0Color = 1 0 0
vec   light1Pos = 0 -20 40
color light1Color = 0 1 0
# Shader variables go here
color diffuseColor = 0.5 0.5 0.5
string whichShader = directional

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Copyright © 1997 Pat Hanrahan and Andrew C. Beers