CS 248: Introduction to Computer Graphics

Pat Hanrahan

Assignment 2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. Can I use gcc / g++ instead of cc / CC?
Q2. Do I have to output the same exact image as sample_viewer?
Q3. What exactly is passed in with the vertices that are to be rasterized?
Q4. How does texture coordinate interpolation work?
Q5. How can I get my RasterizeXor code to run faster?
Q6. Do I have to clamp (u, v) on every pixel?


Q1. Can I use gcc / g++ instead of cc / CC?

Q2. Do I have to output the same exact image as sample_viewer?

Q3. What exactly is passed in with the vertices that are to be rasterized?

Q4. How does texture coordinate interpolation work?

Q5. How can I get my RasterizeXor code to run faster?

Q6. Do I have to clamp (u, v) on every pixel?

[email protected]

Copyright © 1997 Pat Hanrahan