The Virtual Reality Modeling Language Specification

Appendix E. Bibliography

Version 2.0, ISO/IEC WD 14772

August 4, 1996

This appendix contains the informative references in the VRML specification. These are references to unofficial standards or documents. All official standards are referenced in "2. Normative References".


"Data: URL scheme", IETF work-in-progress,].


"GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE FORMAT (sm)", Version 89a, which appears in many unofficial places on the WWW, [ , , "CompuServe at: GO CIS:GRAPHSUP, library 16, "Standards and Specs", GIF89M.TXT, 1/12/95"].


"Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice", Foley, van Dam, Feiner and Hughes.


OpenGL 1.1 specification, Silicon Graphics, Inc., [].


Universal Resource Name, IETF work-in-progress, [, ].

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