A sample configuration file
# This stuff has nothing to do with the shader, only scene layout
string hiObject = sphere90.obj.gz
string loObject = sphere30.obj.gz
int numLights = 2
vec eyePosition = 0 0 -20
vec light0Pos = 0 20 -20
vec light0Dir = 0 1 1
color light0Color = 1 0 0
vec light1Pos = 0 -20 -20
color light1Color = 0 1 0
vec light1Dir = 0 -1 1
# Shader variables go here
string whichShader = myShader
color ambientColor = 0.1 0.1 0.1
color diffuseColor = 0.2 0.4 0.2
color specularColor = 1 1 1
float shininess = 500
Copyright © 1997--1998 Pat Hanrahan and Andrew C. Beers