From: Gary King Newsgroups: su.class.cs248 Subject: Full-screen GLUT Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 16:48:12 -0800 I'm not sure if this will interest anyone, but there is an extremely easy way to get full-screen OpenGL support using GLUT. First, download GLUT 3.7 (this is still in beta) from Then, after copying the appropriate libraries, use the functions glutGameModeString() and glutEnterGameMode() to start up a full-screen window instead of using glutCreateWindow(); (e.g. if you want 640x480, 32bpp @ 60hz refresh, you would use: glutGameModeString("640x480:32@60"); glutEnterGameMode(); ) and use glutLeaveGameMode() during your clean-up functions to restore the screen to the original resolution.