Homework 0
Due April 3, 2000
Alright, you caught us. Homework 0 isn't worth any points toward your
grade, but it is required for the class. Besides that, it will help
you ensure your leland environment is set up correctly for using the
cs348b software and will get you subscribed to the class mailing list.
The assignment is very easy to complete:
- Send email to [email protected]. Include the following
in the email:
- Your prefered email address (one you regularly read, for the class mailing list)
- Your leland login
- Your home page
- Some background information about yourself (major, class, short
personal history, etc.)
- Why you are taking (or thinking about taking) the class
- Submit a picture of yourself using the cs348b submit program.
Preferably a face shot. This is especially helpful if you plan on
watching the broadcast lecture rather than come to class (or are
SITN). Office hours are much more enjoyable when we know the students.
The syntax for running the submit program for hw0 is:
submit hw0 dir
where dir is the directory you want to submit to us.
The cs348b submit script lives in /usr/class/cs348b/bin. Make sure you have
this bin directory in your path, as we will be adding several useful programs
throughout the quarter. The submit script works by taring and zipping
a directory you specify, and copying it into our space. You
can submit homework assignments multiple times, but each submission
overwrites the older one.
We'll use the information you give us in this "homework" to get a
count of the projected class enrollment, and to help us start mapping
names to faces.
Copyright © 2000 Pat Hanrahan