Assigned readings

CS 348B - Computer Graphics: Image Synthesis Techniques
Spring Quarter, 1996
Marc Levoy
Last updated: Friday, 20-Feb-1998 13:57:03 PST

	FvDFH	Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes
		Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
		second edition, Addison-Wesley

	Glass	Andrew Glassner,
		An Introduction to Ray Tracing
		Academic Press

	Cohen	Michael Cohen and John Wallace
		Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis
		Academic Press

	readr	Course reader
		Available in Stanford campus bookstore

Key:	(O)	optional
	(R)	read (default)
	(DR)	definite read
	(RV)	review of CS 248

Date assigned	Book  Pages	Topics
-------------	----- -----	------
April 2		Glass pp 1-17	overview of ray tracing (RV)
April 2		Glass pp 33-59	intersections w spheres & polygons (RV)
April 2		Glass ch 6	acceleration techniques (skim, RV)
April 2		FvDFH ch 15.10	another review of ray tracing (RV)
April 4		FvDFH ch 16.12	recursive ray tracing (RV)
April 4		FvDFH ch 14.10	sampling theory (as deeply as you need)
April 11	Glass pp 17-29	aliasing and supersampling
April 16	Glass, 5.1-5.4  stochastic sampling
April 16	readr, #1, #2   Dippe, Wold, Pepard, stochastic sampling (O, O)
April 18	readr, #3	Mitchell, anti-aliasing (O)
April 18	readr, #5	Heckbert, texture resampling
April 18	FvDFH, 16.3.2	texture mapping geometry
April 23	readr, #6	Heckbert, practical texture mapping algorithms
April 23	FvDFH, 815-828	prefiltering
April 23	FvDFH, 828-834	multipass texture mapping
April 23	readr, #7	multipass texture mapping
April 25	Cohen, ch. 1,2	introduction, rendering concepts
April 30	FvDFH, 16.1	Phong shading (RV)
May 2		FvDFH, 16.7-11	physically based illumination models
May 2		readr, #8, #9	hot topics in illumination models (O, O)
May 7		FvDFH, 13.2-3	color
May 14		readr, #12	shadow algorithms
May 14		FvDFH, 16.4	shadow algorithms (O)
May 14		Glass, 171-181	distribution (ed) ray tracing
May 14		FvDFH, 16.12.4	distribution (ed) ray tracing (O)
May 16		Cohen, ch. 3	discretizing the radiosity equation
May 16		FvDFH, 793-813	radiosity (O)
May 21		Cohen, 4.1-4.3	computing form factors
May 21		Cohen, 4.9.3	hemicube algorithm
May 21		Cohen, ch. 5	solution methods
May 21		Cohen, 9.1-9.2	interpolation for display
May 23		Cohen, 10	extensions to radiosity (skim)
May 30		readr, #13,#14	volume rendering


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Friday, 20-Feb-1998 13:57:03 PST