CS 348C Project Writeup
CS 348C - Modeling in Computer
Fall quarter, 1995
Coordinator: Apostolos Lerios
The project writeup is a pair of documents that together describe a
student project, including the project goal, simulation method and
results, lessons learned and problems encountered. It has two parts:
- A WWW document, which is the written form of the project presentation.
- A printed document, which provides technical details on the
simulation method.
WWW document
The WWW document addresses the same issues as the project presentation, in the same
high-level manner. This document is posted on the class WWW pages, and
is intended for a general audience which is expected to contact the
authors for technical details. Hence, the emphasis is on the
simulation results, with a broad overview of technical details. This
document takes advantage of the multimedia capabilities of the WWW,
possibly providing items such as
- on-line animations in MPEG format,
- on-line still images,
- links to relevant research.
The WWW document comprises a collection of interconnected multimedia
files that are electronically submitted. To this end, students follow
the instructions in the file
on the Sweet Hall machines.
Since basic HTML can be very easily learned following an on-line
tutorial, students submit complete HTML files. However, it is hard
to master the intricacies of image format conversion, thumbnail
creation, and MPEG movie generation. Hence, students may submit
collections of still images in any (commercial) format they wish, and
provide dummy HTML tags of the form
<Put image "plane.ppm" here>
<Put movie "crash/*.tif" here>
in their HTML files; the course coordinator will handle the format
Printed document
The printed document is intended for the course coordinator. It
outlines in at most two pages the technical background of the
simulation method, including
- annotated model equations,
- simulation steps,
- implementation issues, especially any optimizations, and
- performance data.
Last update: 13 December 1995 by Apostolos "Toli" Lerios
[email protected]