CS 348C - Topics In Computer Graphics: Graphics Architectures
Time and Place: Tue/Thu 2:45-4:00 CIS 101
General Course Information
This course is a seminar covering current research in
graphics architectures. General topics to be covered include
framebuffer and display design, rasterization hardware,
geometry and shading engines,
parallelism in graphics systems and texturing subsystems.
Important current and past graphics architectures will
be covered as case studies.
Class meetings will be a
mixture of background lectures,
guest speakers, and student-led discussions of papers.
Students should have some background in computer graphics and computer
architectures, but no specific courses are required.
The next page contains a reading list organized by topic.
These papers are meant to be a starting
point and additions and deletions from this list are encouraged.
We will be preparing a course reader with all the papers
as soon as the list to be covered in class is stabilized.
Each student taking the course for credit is expected to present
a topic or paper and lead a class discussion.
Everyone attending the course is expected to read all the papers
and participate in the discussions.
Students will receive 1 credit for participating at this level.
Students taking the course for 3 credits are also expected to
undertake a project during this quarter. This project is expected
to have research content and should be approached with that in mind.
To enroll in the course for credit send email to
hanrahan@cs by
12noon Friday, April 9.
Include the following information:
- Name
- Department
- Degree sought and year
- List of graphics and architecture courses
- Reasons for taking the course
- Enrollment status (audit, 1 credit, 3 credit)
We will create a class email list of the students registered.
Instructor: Frank Crow
Office: Interval Research Corporation
Mail: [email protected]
Instructor: Pat Hanrahan
Office: Gates 370 3B
Hours: Tue/Thu 11-12
Mail: hanrahan@cs
Secretary: Sarah Beizer
Office: Gates 368 3B
Mail: sarah@mojave
Phone: (415) 725-3724
Hours: M-F 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Other useful links:
Last update: April 2, 1996
[email protected]