The purpose of the final project is to provide hand-on research experience in rendering. Projects can cover a wide variety of concrete rendering problems but should propose a novel, creative solution to this problem. Projects will be carried out small by teams and I will mentor the project team. The deliverable will be an implementation of the proposed solution and a 8-12 page paper written as a conference paper submission. Each group will be given the opportunity to present the final project to the class.
The mentor will provide feedback as to whether we think your idea is reasonable, and also try to offer some technical guidance, such as. additional papers you might be interested in reading. You should arrange a meeting with your mentor before 11/7/2002.
The project proposal should be submitted as a one web page.
The final project report should take the shape of a 8-12 page paper written as a conference paper submission. It should present related works, a detail description of your visualization, and include a discussion of your design. Final paper are due on 12/13/2002.
The project are done by small groups, but each person will be graded individually. A good group project is a system consisting of a collection of well defined subsystems. Each subsystem should be the responsibility of one person and be clearly identified as their project. A good criteria for whether you should work in a group is whether the system as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts!