CS 448 - Topics in Computer Graphics

Mathematical Methods for Computer Graphics

Scribing Resources

Lecture notes should be typeset with LaTeX, using the following template: If you are not familiar with LaTeX, a good source of information are the Web pages of the TeX Users Group .


The most common way to include drawings in your text is to produce Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) files using a drawing program. The programs available include: EPS files are included in LaTeX documents using epsfig package included in most LaTeX distributions.

Submitting your notes

Please try to complete the notes within one week after the lecture. This includes getting feedback from the designated student reviewer, and making any necessary corrections. When both of you are satisfied, send the notes to the appropriate lecturer: The lecturer might request further changes to the notes. The final version of the notes will be distributed to the class, and also made available on the course web page (with your name on it).

To give you an idea of the style of the notes that we expect, here are two examples of scribed lectures from another course:

Last update: September 24, 1997
[email protected]

Copyright © 1997 Pat Hanrahan, Eric Veach, and Denis Zorin