Assignment #1 - perspective

Due Tuesday, April 19 (in class)

CS 48N - The Science of Art
Winter Quarter, 2005
Marc Levoy
Handout #4

Your first assignment is to write a 4-5 page double-spaced paper on one of the topics listed in the first section below. Alternatively, you may do one of the projects listed in the second section. You may also choose another topic if you clear it with me in advance. (Remember that at least two of your four assignments for the quarter must be written papers. I will give you a similar set of choices between paper topics and project ideas for the next three assignments.)

Papers must be typed or computer-printed, not handwritten. They will be graded on effort, content, and style. In writing your paper, I encourage you to make use of the books listed in the course bibliography (handout #2). I have copies of each of these books, which I am willing to lend out. I also encourage you to make use of the Stanford libraries. Don't forget to cite your sources, using footnotes and/or a list of references, as appropriate. Finally, I am happy to meet with you, during office hours or by appointment, to discuss your paper and to offer suggestions for additional readings.

In addition to the written assignment, a few of you will be asked to briefly present your ideas in class on the next scheduled Student Day (April 28). Your presentation is not intended to be a reading of your paper, but a proper talk. In other words, it should be lively and should engage the class in discussion.

Writing projects

Some non-writing projects

[email protected]
Copyright © 2005 Marc Levoy
Last update: April 11, 2005 03:38:14 PM