Burning data on CD

The lab currently (Aug '98) has two CD-ROM burners; one attached to moviola, and one going to Italy. These instructions should work for either CD burner. Thanks to Craig Kolb for setting everything up, I just put his info on this web page.


Burning CD-ROMs is a 2-step process. First, you create an image file, which contains everything that you want to put on the CD (including the file system). Then you actually burn the image onto the CD.

Creating the CD image

First, create an image to burn using "mkisofs". cd to someplace with a decent amount of disk space (say moviola:/nle) and run:

mkisofs -r -L -o cdrom.img directoryname


It should spew for a while and eventually you'll have the image file for burning. (See "man mkisofs" for details on what the above options do, or for how to exclude directories from the image via the -x option, etc.)


Burning the CD image onto CDROM

Next, burn the sucker. Stick a CDROM in the drive, and run:

cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=2,1,0 cdrom.img (on moviola) This pretty much does what it says: burn cdrom.img at 4x using the burner on SCSI bus 2, device 5, unit 0, and be verbose about it.


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Lucas Pereira

[email protected]