Usually our plugins are stored in /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins. I didn't think it would be a good idea to install a MIDI player as default because it bugs some people.
The MIDI plugin is in ~jowens/.netscape/plugins/ Copy it to the corresponding directory in your home directory.
Next you have to set the environment variable TIMID_DIR to /usr/common/lib/timidity. This has all the instrument files.
That should be it; restart netscape, or reboot, or whatever; I'm using this on netscape3.01 and it works fine.
UNIX MIDI plugin File name: /u/jowens/.netscape/plugins/ This plugins plays MIDI, using the timidity toolkit, via the standard audio device. By default, timidity configuration files are in the directory /usr/local/bin/timidity Use the TIMID_DIR environment variable to change the configuration directory. You may set the environment variable TIMID_8K to reduce the sampling rate (to 8000 Hz) for busy or slow processors, or for machines which only support 8KHz. Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled audio/x-midi Larry Hoff's UMP plugin version 1.01 mid, midi Yes audio/midi Larry Hoff's UMP plugin version 1.01 mid, midi Yes