How to dub from Digital Betacam to VHS

Easy version

  1. Using the Web interface, click on Digital Betacam picture or text with the middle mouse button and VHS Record picture or text with left mouse button.
  2. To see what's happening, middle-click on VHS Record and left-click on one of the monitors.
  3. Put the source tape in the Digital Betacam deck and the destination (probably blank) tape in the VHS Record deck.
  4. On the VHS Record deck, the input select switch should be set to LINE (see illustration).
  5. On the Digital Betacam deck push PLAY.
  6. On the VHS REcord deck hold REC then push PLAY.
  7. To hear what's happening, you might need to turn up the following controls on the Audio Mixer: the Speaker Volume knob, Master Volume slider, and Rec Mon slider. See illustration.

More detail

The telect commands to set this up are
telect -lntsc -idigibeta -ovhsrec
telect -laudio -idigibeta -ovhsrec
telect -lntsc -ivhsrec -orecmon

Additional notes


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Last modified: Mon Oct 5 20:39:05 PDT 1998